My cancerversary has extended into a week of celebrating the day that saved and so graciously changed my life. It started with Saturday night my favorite friends gathered to celebrate me!
Monday I had a MRI (you know how much I love em'), proud to report: One: I did the MRI drug and anxiety-free (shocking, I know!) and most importantly MRI results are CLEAN. Still, Cancer-free.
To end the week- Mom and I went to the Ellen show (she loves) and had a fun girls- night out and I attended an all-day workshop at UCLA for "life after breast cancer".
A fabulous week, thank you for all the kind and encouraging words, hugs and love.
Hi Kristin! I just got reading through a few of your posts and I had a quick question. I am involved in the cancer community and was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance. Thanks! - emilywalsh688(at)