Monday, July 9, 2012

Results Are In!

I got the fabulous news today that the lump like thing in my left breast is scar tissue.  I could not be HAPPIER!  Scar tissue forming after a surgery like mine is normal, so nothing to worry there.

Thank you, as always, for your prayers, good thoughts and lots of love.

I mentioned last week that I am wearing my hair faux-hawk style...  I had had many sweet and funny comments in return.  Thursday night while traveling I had a mo-hawk (forget the faux), it was standing straight up and was totally rocker sheik.  I was wearing all black and my motorcycle boots (doesn't sound like me, right?- so wish I would have taken a picture).  I am definitely stepping outside the box with my short hair and enjoying all the new things in life.  Long story short, I am having a ton of fun with it.  Every week it seems like the length changes and I have to learn how to style it all over again.


1 comment:

  1. grateful.....enjoy each day....I saw you in the black outfit...I should have taken a picture! be every ant soozie
