Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tamoxifen & Generics

Earlier this year, I had reactions to Tamoxifen that I had yet to experience in the 6+ months of taking it.  Spoke to my Oncologist over and over again and really got no where with any answers.  The reaction that mattered most to mitigate was the major bloating- hands, feet, face, body where some days it hurt to walk my feet were so swollen.  No significant weight gain, just bloated.

Take into consideration: I am salt sensitive, as it is. Hardly have any sodium in my diet as a result.

Did some serious research and found that there are multiple generic versions and pharmacies can make a change with manufacturer at any time, without notice.

Finding 1: 6 different manufacturers of the generic brand of Tamoxifen (Watson, Mylan, Teva, Barr, Apotex, .  We all take a generic version.  Each of the 6 versions all have the same active ingredient but each have different inactive ingredients.  The first inactive ingredient is sodium... ding, ding, ding! There was my first answer... then I got down to understanding the inactive ingredient list. Whenever possible, take drugs made in the U.S.A. or Europe.  

Finding 2: I started taking Tamoxifen in May 2012 and was on Teva for 4 months- felt great- no real side effects, then the pharmacy switched me to Mylan without telling me and I didn't know to ask or pay attention.  I had major, major side effects kick-in towards the end of last year and after my research it lined up perfectly with when I got switched to Mylan.  Side effects were so bad I even quit taking it to give myself a break.

Solution: I am on Watson, has the least amount of inactive ingredients and made in the U.S. (only one made in the US).  I am back to sleeping great, no bloating and basically feel normal.  All with the switch of a manufacturer.

Note: It can be hard to request certain brands from big retailers, small pharmacies seem to have access to almost anything upon request.

I share with you this story, because, if you are ever having adverse effects taking a drug, do some research and find out if there are other drugs alike and see if switching makes taking the drug more manageable. Love, Love learning new things!

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